Portrait of a Teen Fundraiser

Portrait of a Teen Fundraiser

Spring has sprung and with it are opportunities to support the alopecia areata community! John Tedeschi, a senior a Strongsville High School in suburban Cleveland, OH, won the annual Mr. Mustang competition. John directed the prize funds—almost $7,000—to NAAF to assist with research, advocacy, and support.

“Alopecia first became a part of my life when I was 11 months old. It took many hard years and doctor’s appointments for my parents to find a treatment that worked. I finally was able to grow hair but still get bald spots often. Winning this competition and being able to donate to such a great organization just means the world to me. People don’t realize how big of an impact hair has on one’s self confidence. Being able to help others who struggle with a disease that I’ve lived with my whole life is just so rewarding!”

Read the rest of this article and the full issue of the April Enews here>>>